Kanban Club

Welcome to Kanban Club!

First rule of Kanban Club; we tell everyone about Kanban Club.

Kanban Boards are visual, working to-do lists. By visually depicting work at the do (to do/have not started), doing (in progress), and done (completed) stages - you can maintain your motivation & workflow.

Begin by labeling three columns ‘do’, ‘doing’, and ‘done‘. Itemize your to-do’s onto sticky notes & add them all under the ‘do’ column. When you begin a to-do move it into the ‘doing’ column. Only once your to-do is totally complete can you move it into the ‘done’ column. You cannot move any to-do’s backwards - once you start something you must complete it!

Kanban Boards are different than Scrum Boards in that they are meant to drive flow of actions, rather than framework of actions. Scrum Boards use a strict project management framework that guides to-do’s within a set structure of principles & practices.

You can add more columns for specific stages of progress or additional workflows. Design your Kanban to mimic your thought flow on anything from daily t0-do’s - specific projects - termed goals - and the in-betweens.

Watch this light a fire under your brain!


Brain Dump


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